Creativity and Financial Creativity for Success when Starting a Business
Melvin Feller MA gives you all the information and proven strategies for building a successful business with limited financial resources. Melvin Feller MA has been in business for over 30 plus years developing and implementing these successful and proven business tools and strategies.
According to Melvin Feller MA, founder of Melvin Feller Business Group, a new class of entrepreneur is emerging: the do-it-yourself entrepreneur. Businesses run by these new class of entrepreneurs are branded by three major criteria:
First, their business is started with a minimal or creative investment, and the organizer retains full ownership and control of the business.
Secondly, the business is created and structured to operate with a small number of people, usually from one to six entrepreneurs.
Finally, the business creator does not set out to create a small business. He or she is working from the premise that the business has unlimited revenue potential.
This type new business startup entrepreneur is intended to remain small only in the number of employees it employs. However, this new startup business Is creatively created in order to generate significant financial revenues and to become a substantial force for quality and formidable knowledge and expertise in the business world.
The inferences of the defining criteria are noteworthy. When a business starts with a minimal financial investment, the entrepreneur sets the business up to creating positive income from the very beginning. Importantly, this means that the business must be able to creatively and quickly develop a compensating model and a steady customer base. Unlike many start-ups, the do-it-yourself startup businesses is not set up to have a long growth period and months of developing plans, products and services after they have started the businesses. It all created before the startup business opens their doors.
This do-it-yourself business startup entrepreneurs strongly believe and practice several proven mantras that are used as their business startup guide and operation practices. They include:
In other words, according to Melvin Feller MA, if you don’t plan, you’re doomed to failure in almost every area of life. That’s why we’re all taught in school that we need to write and constantly update a five-year plan, and to constantly evaluate our goals to determine whether we’re on the track, or merely floundering without a clue where a business is headed!
If you have a good business plan, it shows that you’re prepared for the good and bad. If you had the money to start a business without any backers, you’d still be smart to complete a full business plan. After all, if your finished plan isn’t compelling, you’re either wasting your money or any creative financing or funding ideas.
When determining to open the doors, the do-it -yourself entrepreneur again becomes creative because nothing is worse than planning a business opening event only to have there be a poor business performance. Think ahead and plan accordingly to get the word out and let people know what’s going on.
In other words, the do-it-yourself entrepreneur will step up the game and give key users and customers a taste that leaves them wanting more. They sensationalize the event so they know that all key influencers and leaders will be bringing in the groups that should be there.
Melvin Feller MA gives these key creative strategies that will create the excitement and success for every do-it-yourself entrepreneur.
First, as we becoming increasingly more internet connected much of marketing strategy today has been turned upside down. Word of mouth has jumped up exponentially and viral online marketing campaigns have become a serious part of any marketing launch strategies. The do-it-yourself entrepreneurs should announce the features of their events, like details from creating their own event app for example. This is a great way to increase the word of mouth and create buzz that will be remembered for a long time.
Secondly, the do-it-yourself entrepreneur does not think of their business opening as just a place where people will just get together but rather to use their services. Rather, they need to consider a central theme that will draw people in to gather and engage with their business or service. The end result should tap into the collective spirit of their business community and share in the vision and ideal that each member of that community strives for. Once the do-it-yourself entrepreneur taps in to the central theme of what they are creating, people will engage with their business on a deeper, more emotional level and at that point they won’t be able to help but tell everyone they know, sending the news spreading through their networks like wildfire.
Thirdly, the do-it-yourself entrepreneur should strategize their marketing plan by targeting both major community influencers and business influencers in the community. They must markedly note who is sparking conversations and debates and celebrate their impact upon their business. The do-it-yourself entrepreneur must learn how to give accolades where they are due, learn to jump in and taking part of moral and business movements, inviting community leaders to share a part of their business profits and endeavors. All of these ideas can have a major impact in getting their business off the ground.
Finally, the do-it yourself-er entrepreneur needs to discover how the community is engaging with different ideas and thoughts and help drive the conversation using their business as a positive community leader. Melvin Feller underscores the need to always participate in the discussion and to invest in the creation of genuine discussion for positive and long lasting movement and impact on the business and cultural backdrop. The bottom line is to not sit on the sidelines but rather tap into their community and customers in order to understand what makes them tick. That is at the heart of what the do-it-yourself entrepreneur will want to address in promoting their business.
These are just a few do-it-yourself strategies that can help entrepreneurs in promoting their business. Their creativity is the limit; however, they should always think of new ideas and tailor them to their specific business startup. The do-it-yourself entrepreneur must always think outside of the box and brainstorm ideas in order to bypass traditional avenues for promotion.
There is one final roadblock that for the do-it-yourself entrepreneur is the most significant barrier to pursuing an entrepreneurial venture: fear. But you can’t let fear run your life.
The idea that fear prevents many of us from pursuing our entrepreneurial dreams is not new. Most of us are familiar with Dale Carnegie as the sales guru who authored the classic book How to Win Friends and Influence People. What most of us don’t know is that in 1944, Carnegie wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, which has sold over six million copies. A central theme of the book, still relevant today, is “how to break the worry habit,” which keeps people from realizing their goals.
Therefore, Melvin Feller MA strongly teaches and believes that Instead of dwelling on self-doubts, imagining the menace that waits, visualize your dream, focus on the specific image of the desire you seek. Fervently believe in the prospect of succeeding and turning your dream into a reality. Passion always empowers. The more passionate the do-it-yourself entrepreneur is about living their dream, the more they will begin to assert control over their fear.