Avoid Negative People Whenever You Can Because It Translates to Success!

Melvin Feller
5 min readMar 10, 2020
Melvin Feller and his glass of water theory. Melvin Feller believes it is always have full!
Melvin Feller and his glass of water theory.

Melvin Feller as both an educator and public speaker has made a point to avoid negative people whenever and however he can. There are times that it is virtually impossible but you can make point of choice even of that means not speaking to them or acknowledging them. Life is short and both life and business deserve the best you have to offer. Your family deserves it!

Melvin Feller Avoids Negative People and you should too at all costs. Success works says Melvin Feller
Melvin Feller Avoids Negative People!

If you’re trying to make any sort of change in your life, to take yourself or your business to a higher level, there’s a certain kind of person that you should avoid like an epidemic.

They’re the pessimists, the negative people who see life through glasses colored with their own limiting beliefs and low self-esteem.

These are people who can never see the good side of things… who insist that someone or something is out to get them.

Who have so much self-loathing, that the only way they can feel good about themselves is by judging others. So little self-esteem that they end up pulling you down with them.

They don’t seem to understand that negativity and hate only breeds more of the same. And what you give out, you get back.

Some of them try to cover it up with arrogance, masquerading as over-confidence. I’ve met a few of these types, and I avoid them like the plague…

Why, you ask? Do I not want to help them?

Well, yes. I used to feel sorry for them, until I realized that you can only help someone who WANTS to be helped.

And the pessimists don’t want to be helped. Because there’s a payoff for their behavior.

And that payoff is — not having to take responsibility for their lives. Not having to take action to drag themselves out of the morass of their mind.

So they continue being negative, pulling others down and feeling sorry for themselves.

They justify their negativity as being realistic. And continue to attract more of the same.

Then they wonder why they’re in the miserable situation they’re in.

And if you have someone like this in your life. Someone who always makes you feel worse, I’ll give you some very good advice.

Cut them off from your life! Right now!

Because like a blood-sucking leech, they will drain you of all the positive feelings you have and drag you down into their miserable little world.

And if you happen to be a pessimist, here’s some advice for you.

Change your attitude!

You can choose to think negative thoughts or positive thoughts. Guess which ones will help you grow?

Melvin Feller Hates Negativity of Any Kind! Melvin Feller Demands You Avoid Negative People Like a Disease.
Melvin Feller Hates Negativity of Any Kind!

Melvin Feller has noted that in his readings and his teachings on Success Strategies that after researching the daily habits of successful and wealthy people for over ten years. He came across another author that had been studying for over years, author Thomas C. Corley who also found that these same people also avoided one type of person at all costs: pessimists.

“Self-made millionaires are very particular about who they associate with,” Corley writes in his book, “Change Your Habits, Change Your Life.” “You are only as successful as those you frequently associate with. The successful people in life are always on the lookout for individuals who are goal-oriented, optimistic, enthusiastic, and who have an overall positive mental outlook.”

Eighty-six percent of successful people in his study made a habit out of associating with other success-minded individuals. On the flip side, “they also make a point to limit their exposure to toxic, negative people,” he explains.

The importance of substituting negative friends and acquaintances for positive individuals stems from the fact that positivity was a hallmark of the rich people he studied — and we emulate the people we associate with.

Melvin Feller Holds That Positive Breeds Positive Thoughts and Actions. Melvin Feller Practices What he preaches.
Melvin Feller Holds That Positive Breeds Positive Thoughts and Actions

Melvin Feller has determined that the bottom line is that “long-term success is only possible when you have a positive mental outlook and positive people in your life.”

You can choose to judge people or see the good in them. Guess which attitude will build better relationships?

You can choose to interpret life events in a way that dis-empowers you or one that empowers you. Guess which attitude will help you recover faster from tragedy?

You can choose to blame others or take responsibility for your life. Guess which attitude will help you take action and grow as a person?

If you still do not grasp the importance of the topic, then use an example from Melvin Fellers personal business presentations and check it out for yourself.

It has been noted by, journalist Napoleon Hill, nearly a century ago, after researching over 500 self-made millionaires. “Men take on the nature and the habits and the power of thought of those with who they associate,” he wrote in his 1937 bestseller, “Think and Grow Rich,” and “there is no hope of success for the person who repels people through a negative personality.”

The bottom line: Negativity will derail you from pursuing success, and like attracts like. Avoid the pessimists and start hanging out with the optimists.

Melvin Feller Knows That You Get Nothing From Negativity. Positivity Brings Success In Life and Business
Melvin Feller Knows That You Get Nothing From Negativity.

It is imperative to note that he drew these similar conclusions after researching over 500 self-made millionaires. “Men take on the nature and the habits and the power of thought of those with who they associate,” he wrote in his 1937 bestseller, “Think and Grow Rich,” and “there is no hope of success for the person who repels people through a negative personality.”

The bottom line: Negativity will derail you from pursuing success, and like attracts like. Avoid the pessimists and start hanging out with the optimists.



Melvin Feller

President of Melvin Feller Business Group With over three decades of executive coaching, speaking, and most importantly, real-life, in-the-trenches experience.